The format of the event (virtual or physical) will be decided later. FIBS will inform the participants about the arrangements at least two weeks prior to the event.
This FIBS Practice event will have
- Facilitated panel discussion with human rights experts from civil society having deep experience of human rights risks and impacts in Scandinavian context
- Training on Human rights risks and issues in Scandinavia/ Sandra Atler
- Facilitated, thematic group discussions and sharing
- External guest presenting a company cases: From challenges to action – sharing solutions on Human rights in a Scandinavia
Human rights risks are often considered to exist mainly along the global value chains, and sometimes particular issues, like child labor, are considered when addressing human rights.
However companies are increasingly dealing with variety of issues, and many of them are more topical in Scandinavian context now than ever before. In this session we will focus on human rights risks and opportunities at home markets.
Annika Ramsköld, Vice President Corporate Sustainability from Vattenfall will share company experiences, challenges and ways forward in relation to human rights impacts in Scandinavia. In addition, Swedwatch, a leading Swedish watch dog NGO focusing largely on business and human rights, will share expectations of companies in Scandinavia and discuss with participants about what responsibility looks like in practice.
Sandra Atler is a human rights lawyer and an internationally recognized expert on business and human rights. She has supported companies across the globe and across various industries to understand and manage human rights risks and also has extensive experience working as a human rights advocate in civil society. Sandra supported the UN Special Representative on Business and Human Rights, Harvard Professor John Ruggie and his team in the development of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Today Sandra is Director of the Human Rights and Business Practice Group, established by Enact in 2015.
Participation fees
The event is open for FIBS Pro-members.
Further information
Miira Kokkonen, +358443673632, fibs(at)