The application period for the 2024 group has closed. Any newly joined FIBS Pro members who may be interested can contact greta.andersson(at) to enquire any remaining availability.
The selected applicants will be notified by January 20th.
The Working Group focuses on the most up-to-date developments in the area of business and human rights, as well as provides its members with practical tools and best practices to use on their own human rights journey.
Each selected member will be appointed a sparring partner from within the group for the entire year. In addition, each member will select a colleague from within their organization with whom they jointly implement the learnings from the group. Please identify at least two possible colleagues from different functions who might be a good fit for the role. We recommend people from purchasing/sourcing, legal or top management for greatest impact. There will be tasks, or ‘homework’ between sessions that you will carry out with your colleague, with support from your sparring partner, as needed.
For whom
We invite all FIBS Pro-subscribers who implement a Human Rights Due Diligence process in their operations, and in their global supply chains in particular, to send in their applications. We primarily accept 1 person/organization, but upon availability, we can extend this to max 2 persons/organization.
In 2025, the group has four facilitated meetings – two in the Spring and two in the Fall. There will be a separate invitation for each session that is only open to group participants (or their stand-ins, where necessary).
11.2. 9:00-12:00
Topic: Internal Governance and Collaboration
6.5. 9:00-12:00
Topic: Impact identification, assessment, and prioritization
9.9. 9:00-12:00
Topic: Procurement DD-toolbox
9.12. 9:00- 12:00
Topic: Meaningful stakeholder engagement
In addition, the members are encouraged to invite the group for more casual peer sharing, learning and discussion sessions at their organization. These have been an invaluable addition to the official programme. Please indicate in your application if you are interested in hosting such a session!
In the fall, we will also explore the participants’ interest to travel to Geneva for the UN Forum for Business and Human Rights as a part of FIBS delegation.
While we encourage participants to commit to all four sessions, we have added some flexibility to the group rules so that in case you are not able to join a particular meeting, you can send a colleague to stand-in.
Participation fees
The event is included in FIBS Pro service fee.
The participation can be cancelled 48h before the event via the link in the confirmation email. We primarily accept 1 person/organization, but upon availability, we can extend this to max 2 perons/organization.
Further information
FIBS’ team,
In partnership with
FIBS reserves the right to make changes.